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Acres of Diamonds – The Gifts at Our Feet

Recently I revisited the classic story titled “Acres of Diamonds” that was initially highlighted decades ago in the book carrying the same name by Russell Conwell. 


It is about a farmer who was wealthy and content with his life and relationships until he heard of others making their fortune from diamond mines.  He became enamored with the idea and decided to sell his farm, leave behind his family and the contented life he had to travel the world in search of diamonds.  After years of exploration, travel and no success he ended up broke, weary, alone and eventually took his own life. 


Meanwhile back on the farm he had sold the new owner one day came across a piece of shiny rock which later turned out to be a large diamond.  Soon after it was discovered that the very land the man had sold was one of the most lucrative diamond mines in existence at the time. 


The basic premise of the story is that if he had only dug a little deeper on his own land and within his own life the man who left looking for his fortune elsewhere would have discovered that his greatest wealth was right at his feet, unrecognized, all along.


For me the parable is about perspective and gratitude.  Though there are times when outer change is clearly important, how often do we think that the answers to a better life, relationship or job are found else where only to be disappointed later?  As many have observed in the old saying; “wherever you go there you are”.  Unless paradigms are shifted, present perspective follows us to the next experience.


Often when I am stuck on a problem, I think of that story and it instantly brings me back to the present moment reflecting on all the people, opportunities and aspects of my life that I am grateful for right now.  There are abundant reasons to celebrate.  My life is blessed in untold ways. Often the simple things bring the greatest joy.  Wealth in the truest sense of the word.


The question I then pose to you is where are the acres of diamonds in your own life that you might be missing?  If you shifted your perspective, even slightly, what new discoveries could you make?  What new gifts and opportunities would you see that have been there all along but perhaps overlooked?  What can you be grateful for now?  Fully.


When I first began in end-of-life care over thirty years ago it was as a hospice volunteer.  I wanted to give back to my community in a way that was sincere and heartfelt.  Have mentioned in other writings that I had no idea at the time it would eventually become my life’s work professionally.  The initial training was intense and thorough but an important foundation to this tender avenue of service.  It prepared me for the hands-on work at the bedside supporting individuals facing death and in grief.  It also equipped me for life in new, profound and unexpected ways.


How does this reflection tie into the acres of diamonds theme? 


The foundational template for hospice/palliative care includes the highly trained hospice volunteer as equal and invaluable team members along side the medical and multi-disciplined hospice staff.  The disparate perspectives and skills coming together are to honour the whole person in care.  Where one discipline can support with their unique gift the other can then compliment with a different skill set.  When one staff member may not have the time to sit at the bedside with the patient and family the hospice volunteer can step in and relieve that concern.  It is designed to be a synergist team effort not only for the well being of the patients and their families, but the staff members and volunteers involved.  Often when providing a simple activity like serving tea and goodies to the patients, the staff is also pampered and a gentle presence offered by the volunteers to those health care workers who may also need a listening ear and some extra TLC that day.


Over the years I have noticed that though they are still respected we rarely hear of the hospice volunteer’s role and the gifts they provide.  COVID was a challenge to many of the hospice societies who train individuals and offer this resource to the community because they were prevented from going into homes and facilities due to the restrictions in place.  Professional staff noticed the difference and added demand with their absence.  Many hospice societies lost volunteers during this time and are working hard to regain and train their teams.  Volunteer programs are adapting to new protocols now in place in the after math of the pandemic.  New palliative/hospice staff who have not yet worked in such a collaborative environment are learning of the gift of this invaluable resource and how best to work along side each other.


On occasion I participate in a walking group.  It is open with fluid attendance for interested people.  While thinking of highlighting this very subject through my platform I got a nudge to attend the walk one day and unexpectedly ended up walking with a woman who remembered me as the hospice volunteer that supported her mother at end of life and family over thirty years ago!  What were the chances?!  She was so kind and grateful and said my presence was invaluable to them at the time.  I also remembered her mother and family.  Wonderful people.  They too had left an imprint on my heart.  It was truly moving to have this serendipitous moment occur.  We were both touched by the circumstance of it all.  It confirmed how the role of the volunteer, as respected team member, is invaluable in service to others.


In my next YouTube conversation, I plan to highlight and honour once again the volunteer role in greater detail.  An invaluable resource that is often under utilized or misunderstood.


Truly acres of diamonds at our feet that when harvested and nurtured bring their own unique gifts to the overall whole person care team and service in end-of-life care.




Photo courtesy of Annabelle Worrall from Unsplash











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